Service Learning With Media To Improve The Quality Of Education Post Covid-19 Pandemic In Border Area


  • Zulfah STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman
  • Elfa Dzafira Putri STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman
  • Yonvy Putri Melani STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman


learning media, service learning, borders


The border areas are interesting to note because they are often far from the capital city, and education is no exception. The purpose of this community service activity through the service learning method is to improve the quality of education after the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia's border areas. The research population is elementary schools located in the Riau Islands, while the selected sample is eighteen elementary schools. The result of this activity is the innovation of learning media in elementary schools to raise the spirit of learning after the Covid-19 pandemic. This service learning-based service is not only an effort to improve the quality of education in the Riau Islands but also a form of campus presence through students in the community after getting knowledge in class. The activity received a positive response from educators for the service activities carried out, especially on the media that had been created. This is also evidenced by the results of cognitive scores which are declared complete with standard of the minimum completeness criteria. This service learning-based service also provides many benefits such as providing valuable experiences for students, increasing students' enthusiasm for learning, and inspiring educators in schools.


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How to Cite

Zulfah, Elfa Dzafira Putri, & Yonvy Putri Melani. (2022). Service Learning With Media To Improve The Quality Of Education Post Covid-19 Pandemic In Border Area. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 692–699. Retrieved from