Impact of Covid-19 on Education and Religious Da’wah in Ngadiluwih Village Community
the impact of covid-19, education, religious da'wahAbstract
Recently, we have been shocked by a virus that has paralyzed all the activities of the world's population. This relatively new virus has had many impacts on the world's population. The virus that first spread in Wuhan, China. The main target of this virus is to attack the human respiratory system. The initial symptoms are almost the same as the common cold and flu, which makes this virus very difficult to detect. Moreover, many people without symptoms suddenly tested positive for this virus. In Indonesia alone, the number of cases of people who have tested positive for this virus is almost 130 thousand people. The number of significant increases every day appears because the "new normal" has begun in several places. Several provinces and regions that should not have implemented the new normal have to be enforced. The lack of preparation causes the increase every day. The impact of this virus has an impact on education and religious preaching in the community in Ngadiluwih village. Education that used to be face-to-face has now shifted to network learning. Each school requires its students to use network-based learning for the implementation of the teaching and learning system. Religious da'wah activities were also diverted to network media. However, not all of these activities can be done with network media. They deal with all activities that smell like education and religious da'wah by requiring all to comply with the Covid health protocols so that they can run.
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