Observing Islamic Education related to Radicalism at Ma’had Al-Jami’ah Walisongo Indonesia


  • Ahmad Ismail UIN Walisongo Semarang


Radicalism, Terrorism, Ma’had al-Jamiah, Raḥmatan lil ‘Ālamin, Islamic Moderation


Based on a survey, 17.8% of Indonesian students in university are vulnerable to radicalism. This finding is consistent with several acts of terror in Indonesia carried out by students. This fact shows the importance of preventive-proactive efforts to counter radicalism among students. Through it all, the Directorate General of Islamic Education mandates to teach subjects of religious moderation Ma’had Al-Jami’ah or University Islamic Boarding Schools. There are 48 universities with Ma’had al-Jamiah, including UIN Walisongo, one of the oldest Ma’had al-Jamiah, founded in 1995. This fact led the researchers’ attention to deal with the vision, curriculum, and teaching practices at Ma’had al-Jamiah UIN Walisongo are related to radicalism. This study will demonstrate data based on qualitative investigations conducted at Ma’had al-Jamiah UIN Walisongo. Finally, this paper argues that Ma’had Al-Jami’ah Walisongo had a vision of realizing Islamic-based education Raḥmatan lil ‘Ālamin, which is actualized in deradicalization training in every two weeks. In addition, Islam Raḥmatan lil ‘Ālamin is also a spirit for other subjects, such as foreign languages ​​and Islamic insights, wich is implemented to counter radicalism among students, considering that radicalism will continue to grow and evolve in Indonesia


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How to Cite

Ahmad Ismail. (2022). Observing Islamic Education related to Radicalism at Ma’had Al-Jami’ah Walisongo Indonesia. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 47–55. Retrieved from https://icon-uce.com/index.php/icon-uce/article/view/7