Sekolah Etnografi Disabilitas as an Innovative Model of Community Service


  • Agus Salim Chamidi Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
  • Umi Arifah Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen
  • Siti Fatimah Institut Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen


sekolah etnografi disabilitas, community service model


The development of innovation in disability studies is still not much. LPPM IAINU Kebumen realizes its collaboration with Rumah Inklusif Kebumen through the activities of the Sekolah Etnografi Disabilitas (SED). The SED aims to build an innovative model for IAINU Kebumen students in approaching disability issues. This school uses an androgogic education model with the following steps: (a) students, field supervisors, together with resource persons learn to become part of the disability through talking activities with people with disabilities (b) through research groups, students reveal the results of their conversations with disabilities, and at the same time find things that will become follow-up plans, (c) students in groups prepare research proposals for service with the guidance of their supervisors, and carry out research, (d) students compile reports on research results in the form of collaborative articles. The results of this SED are very useful for building student empathy as well as producing scientific works, namely: (a) there are several collaborative articles by students and lecturers that have been published successfully in journals and proceedings, (b) a student volunteer organization was formed named Balabi (Barisan Relawan Bahasa Isyarat). This SED can be a model of community service innovation to foster student enthusiasm and culture to research disability


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How to Cite

Agus Salim Chamidi, Umi Arifah, & Siti Fatimah. (2022). Sekolah Etnografi Disabilitas as an Innovative Model of Community Service. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 33–39. Retrieved from