Assistance Efforts for Students With High Poverty and Crime Rates Through Free Tutoring and Personal Social Counseling Services (RPS)
Free Tutoring, Social Counseling Services, Students’ with high poverty and crime rateAbstract
The purpose of this service activity is to help children who come from underprivileged families to get additional lessons without having to think about the cost of education and to foster children who are used as targets of service to avoid all forms of crime. The location of the service is Binduriang District. The schedule for English Tutoring and Counseling Guidance that has been carried out by the service for 4 months. The location of this service were SDN 57 Rejang Lebong, SMPN 32 Rejang Lebong, and SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong. The participants of this services were 100 students consisting of 30 elementary school children, 30 junior high school students, and 40 high school students. There were 16 meetings for free tutoring and personal social counselling services. There are some strategies used in this servce, they were: (1) Coordination and Cooperation with Related Stakeholders, (2) Learning Outside of School (Tutoring), (3) Giving Pre-test and Post-test, (4) Personal Social Counseling Services (RPS), (5) Assistance to Education Facilities and Health Facilities, and (6) Giving Gifts to Students. The result of this service process is the English Learning and Personal Social Counseling Servive (RPS) which is being implemented at SDN 57 Rejang Lebong, SMPN, and SMAN Binduriang SMAN 7 Binduriang running well and smoothly. The material that has been taught by the servant can be well absorbed by students and related stakeholders is very helpful in the implementation of this service. Students’ felt happy and interest when they learn English. They felt motivated in learning process when they were join personal social counselling service. This services makes them feel confidence, discipline, responsibility, diligent, happy, and brave. This service activity hopefully can prevents students to do negative activities after they were finished their school activity
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