Providing Creative Digital Marketing Through Training and Assistance for Working Age Job Seekers Community in Kuningan Regency
digital marketing, training, assistance, job seekersAbstract
The goal of implementing this community service is to provide entrepreneurship skills through training and creative digital marketing assistance to the Kuningan Regency productive age job seekers community. This community service activity is approached through service learning and Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). This activity is carried out to investigate assets in the fostered community as a means of meeting practical needs. The preparation stage, the service stage, and the reflection stage comprise this community service activity. The community of productive age job seekers, particularly those who have recently graduated from high school or equivalent, is the focus of this service activity, which has a total of 25 participants. The outcomes of this community service are training and assistance activities related to digital marketing skills, which include: 1) Introduction to digital marketing; 2) Social media digital marketing; 3) The technique of presenting the marketing channel's content; 4) Optimization of search engines and social media for digital marketing; and 5) Digital marketing through marketplace. Reflection on the activity's outcomes, which included positive responses from participants and increased competence in digital marketing techniques
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