The Ambiguity of the Role of Working Mothers During the Covid-19 Pandemic Gender Perspective Psychology
gender, feminism, family, working momsAbstract
This qualitative research is about how the dilemma of working mothers when working during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study involved 34 informants from various regions in Indonesia, especially Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. Researchers spread research questions online and analyzed the findings using a functional concept approach put forward by bell hooks feminists. The findings suggest there is still gender exploitation in some workplaces and households. In addition, working mothers have to face several problems during the pandemic, namely reproductive-related services, domestic violence, and job loss. The expectations that can be met are assistance in the economic sector, gender education, marriage consultation, and premarital guidance. This research contributes to an understanding of gender justice in the family context. So that future family policies and laws can be prepared to deal with extraordinary conditions in the event of a pandemic
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