Can the Integration of Social Presence and the Theory of Planned Behaviour Predict the Intention to Donate Zakat on an Islamic Crowdfunding Platform? Indonesian Experience Practices
ZIS, Islamic crowdfunding, social presence, theory of planned behaviourAbstract
In Indonesia, inequality in the projection and realisation of zakat, infaq, and sadaqah (ZIS) is a major problem for ZIS management institutions. Most communities are more inclined to pay for ZIS conventionally, which affects their uneven distribution. Therefore, a ZIS service innovation based on financial technology (Islamic crowdfunding) that offers ease and transparency in management is necessary. This study investigates the potential factors that influence interest in distributing ZIS online. This study attempts to integrate the theory of planned behaviour and social presence in a conceptual framework to measure interest in distributing ZIS online among 731 respondents, finding that social presence, trust, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control affect interest in online ZIS distribution. This study also offers managerial implications for the important aspects of online ZIS platform providers
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