University Social Responsibility: Transformasi Pola Kemitraan Universitas dan Stakeholders Berbasis Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


  • Bayu Tri Cahya IAIN Kudus
  • Jadzil Baihaqi IAIN Kudus
  • Dwi Putri Restuti IAIN Kudus
  • Rofiq Faudy Akbar IAIN Kudus


University Social Responsibility, Community Engagement, Sustainable Development Goals


This article discusses social responsibility from the point of view of higher education. The university in general is an institution with the highest honour in the academic environment. Then the university became the instrument of social climbing for most people in developing country society. University social responsibility (USR), is a principle for social movements, which uses an ethical approach to develop and engage with local and global communities to maintain ecological, environmental, technical, social, and economic development. USR acts as a key player for social change because USR implies having an ethical quality policy, which regulates the performance of the university community. USR has an impact not only on universities but also on the global community and society for sustainable development. Sustainability of development or what is often known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must involve all stakeholders, such as government, companies, non-governmental organizations, etc. Universities are important contributors to the implementation of the SDGs by encouraging the growth of partnerships between the government and the community. Universities play an important role in supporting and accelerating the success of the SDGs


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How to Cite

Bayu Tri Cahya, Jadzil Baihaqi, Dwi Putri Restuti, & Rofiq Faudy Akbar. (2022). University Social Responsibility: Transformasi Pola Kemitraan Universitas dan Stakeholders Berbasis Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 162–172. Retrieved from