Public Sphere and Feminism in Tunisia: Equal Inheritance Between Female and Male Based on Latest Amendment of verse 146 MAS


  • Auliya Ghazna Nizami UIN Sunan Ampel


Tunisia, Feminism, Public Sphere, Inheritance, MAS


Tunisia is a country with progressive laws, carrying the spirit of defending the subordinate groups of society, women. The era of President Beji Qaed Essebsi marked the various forms of state accommodation for women. The latest is about women's inheritance rights which are totally equalized with men equally. No longer do women get half of the share received by men as required by Islamic law. The main motivation is to place women and men on the same level and class. This study tries to see the extent of the influence of Tunisian feminist voices in the public sphere on the government policies of the Essebsi era which tend to be more accommodating to women's rights. This research is a normative-empirical research with the main research material is related legal policies, namely the draft Aḥkām Tata'allaqu bi at Tasāwiy fī al Mīrāṡ and field facts contained in the public sphere of online mass media by citing several opinions of Tunisian feminist figures who have an influence. Through this research, it can be seen that Essebsi in issuing pro-women policies, based his considerations on Tahir Haddad's ideology. Tunisian public space is filled with feminist ideology, supported by many important government positions, supported by figures who actively voice feminist ideology


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How to Cite

Auliya Ghazna Nizami. (2022). Public Sphere and Feminism in Tunisia: Equal Inheritance Between Female and Male Based on Latest Amendment of verse 146 MAS. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 157–161. Retrieved from