Optimizing the Participation of Panglungan Residents, Wonosalam District Through Environmental Cleanliness Program
Environment, Hamlet, Cleanliness, ParticipationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to increase community participation, especially youth, in maintaining environmental cleanliness and health through community service activities in Panglungan Hamlet, Wonosalam District. The lack of self-awareness of the Panglungan hamlet community can be seen from the large amount of garbage strewn across the field. Therefore, it is necessary to hold an environmental hygiene program which is carried out in Panglungan Hamlet once a week on Friday. This type of research uses the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method. Where the data collection method used in this study is the method of observation and documentation. The results showed that the environmental hygiene program activities went well, because the dirty environment became clean, healthy and in accordance with the planned schedule and it was hoped that the community could participate more actively in maintaining environmental cleanliness to jointly clean Panglungan Hamlet to make it look cleaner
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anggita Choirunisa, Achmad Syahril Adhim, Dimas Elly Ana, Nuraini Safita Fauziah, Zahra Nur Rahma Dhanty, Agus Miftakus Surur
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