The Development of Bioethanol from Iles-Iles Tubers Using Hydrolyzed Fermentation Method for Alternative Fuels
Fermentation, Bioethanol, Hydrolysis, Iles-iles tubersAbstract
Along with the increasing usage of fuel oil (BBM), namely gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel, as a result, sources of fuel oil began to decrease. This condition urges the discovery of alternative energy that is converting iles-iles tubers containing ethanol for alternative fuels, which are very possible to be developed and important to be observed. Iles-iles tubers (Amorphophallus muelleri) are plants that live in tropical and subtropical areas including Indonesia, one of which is in Bojonegoro area. Experimental research in the laboratory was carried out in two stages, those are hydrolysis and fermentation. The aim of the study was to obtain better ethanol content of iles-iles tubers by hydrolysis of distillation fermentation, by varying the ratio of sulfuric acid in 7 ratios 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, and 10:1. The volume / weight (v / w) of the dried iles-iles tubers were crushed and sieved. The iles-iles powder was hydrolyzed using H2SO4. From the results of bioethanol characteristic test on iles-iles tubers as an alternative fuel development, the most optimal obtained after the hydrolysis process is a sample ratio of 5:1, which had the characteristics of a total sugar content 6.72%, fermentation with 9 grams of yeast in each sample in 6 days’ fermentation and distillation process. Bioethanol made from iles-iles tubers has good potential to be developed because the quality of the bioethanol produced reaches 62% in the initial distillation, has a density value of 0.8107 gr/ml in accordance with the bioethanol quality standard, which is 0.8215 gr/ml at a ratio of 5:1 of the raw material which has a viscosity value of 1.0780 cP, and has a calorific value of 2.121 Kcal/kg bioethanol quality standard and a flash point value of 7.0 0C
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