Economic Potential In Religious Tourism Object And Management Conflict


  • Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto


Economic, management, conflict resolution


Indonesia has a very complete religious-based tourism potential. The majority of Indonesians who are Muslim have contributed to the formation of a new religious-based tourism segment. With the rise of pilgrimage tourism in Indonesia, tourism trends have begun to shift from sun, sand and sea, to serenity, sustainability and spirituality. as it should be. From the studies conducted, it can be seen that 1) Religious Tourism Objects can provide significant benefits to the surrounding community, both from the economic, socio-cultural aspects, and so on, if managed properly. 2) The Guardian's Tomb as a tourist attraction has not been able to play an optimal role as it should, because it is caused by unestablished management and is exacerbated by a slight friction of interests. 3) Optimization of graveyard management can be done through education, empowerment and community advocacy, and 4) Disputes conflicts that occur can be resolved gradually and groups based on the common perception of religious tourism as the basis for social, economic and cultural development of the Muslim community


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How to Cite

Muhammad Ash-Shiddiqy. (2022). Economic Potential In Religious Tourism Object And Management Conflict. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 431–435. Retrieved from