English for Tourism Training for Local Community in the Tourism Site of Rinding Allo Village Rongkong Sub District North Luwu Regency South Sulawesi


  • Masruddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
  • Magfirah Thayyib Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
  • Zainuddin S Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
  • Muhammad Zuljalal Al Hamdany S Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
  • Muh. Ilham Nur Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo


Asset Based Community-driven Development; English for Tourism Training


This community service is one of the efforts to strengthen Rinding Allo village as a mainstay tourism destination for North Luwu district. The potential of the village which is very rich in integrated tourism potential such as the natural panorama is very amazing and is known as the country covered in clouds. The potential of Rongkong woven fabric is a characteristic that can be witnessed by its management and manufacturing process. One of the obstacles faced by the community is the community's low English ability. Therefore, the team conducted English Tourism training for the local community. The teaching method used is fun and creative learning. This community service used Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) method. The Community Service Team consists of English lecturers and several students of IAIN Palopo. Participants were given training in English for Tourism with basic levels and communication in the context of tourism.  The learning method applied was fun, creative, innovative and effective learning. After participating in this English for tourism training, the participants of the English tourism training have basic communication skills in the tourism sector and have strong motivation to learn and continue to learn English for the advancement of Rinding Allo village as tourism destination


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How to Cite

Masruddin, Magfirah Thayyib, Zainuddin S, Muhammad Zuljalal Al Hamdany S, & Muh. Ilham Nur. (2022). English for Tourism Training for Local Community in the Tourism Site of Rinding Allo Village Rongkong Sub District North Luwu Regency South Sulawesi. The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement (ICON-UCE 2022), 4, 373–379. Retrieved from http://icon-uce.com/index.php/icon-uce/article/view/51